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Frequently Asked

  • What exactly is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)?
    ABA is the systematic application of basic principles of behavior that allows us to rearrange the environment to teach skills in order to maintain, decrease or increase socially significant behaviors.
  • What is the purpose of ABA?
    The purpose of ABA is to increase socially important behaviors and decrease undesirable behaviors.
  • How does ABA interface with children on the autism spectrum?
    Children on the autism spectrum display qualitative impairments in communication, play and social skill areas. Deficits within each of the above areas are very complex. ABA allows us to break down complex skills within each of the above areas to teachable steps to reach a targeted goal.
  • What all does ABA entail?
    ABA involves measuring and evaluating procedures for their effectiveness. Skills are broken down to teachable steps and children are taught how to learn. Through use of comprehensive assessments, skill weaknesses and strengths of children are identified. Individualized programs are tailored to meet the needs of the child across all major skill areas. Data across programs are analyzed on a frequent basisto ensure programming effectiveness in order to maximize the child’s learning opportunities. Behavior analytic programs are designed to increase desirable behaviors and decrease undesirable behaviors.
  • Who can design behavioral analytic programs?
    A Board Certified Behavior Analyst who possesses at least a Master degree in a child related field with specific training and education in Behavior Analysis can design behavior analytic programs. A Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst who possesses at least a Bachelor degree in a child related field with specific training and education in Behavior Analysis. BCABA must work under the supervision of a Board Certified Behavior Analyst.
  • Can other children benefit from ABA?
    Yes, ABA can be beneficial for learners who have other diagnoses such as: • Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) • Aspergers • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) • Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) • Speech Delays • Sensory Processing Disorders • Behavioral Disorders • Developmental Delays
  • How does this benefit my child?
    ABA is a proven science that teaches skills that lead towards functional independence.
  • How much involvement is needed on my part?
    Being an active participant in your child’s program is critical to the success of your child.
  • Where can I find empirical research documenting ABA’s effectiveness?
    American Academy of Pediatrics Association for Science in Autism Treatment New York State Clinical Guidelines Evidence Base-Practices for Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
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